Help Keep Our Dogs Cool This Summer!

In the last couple of weeks our shelter has incurred thousands of dollars in AC and water expenses. Repairs like these can't be put off. Not only is it the hottest time of the year, a safe temperature and access to fresh water are always extremely important. 

And so we ask for your help in keeping our pets and our staff cool, comfortable and healthy.

According to the Weather Channel, "This June was the hottest on record for the contiguous United States!" In a time like this, when people are enjoying their summer, donations are more important than ever! It's important to continue to support our shelter in this time of need. 

Here's the story:

About two weeks ago our AC problems began. The St. Tammany Humane Society houses eight central units across its facility. Both units crashed in two very important areas (Cat Cottage and Surgery.) "The Cat Cottage unit sounded like a sick, elderly man desperately trying to catch his breath," said Foster Coordinator, Paula Alcorn, trying to make light of the situation. And with approximately 15 surgeries completed each day, the temperature in our Surgery Department is just as important! Thanks to Dusty's Services the repairs were done in a timely matter. Now we just have a $1,000 bill to pay!

Then just this week, a problem with our water well put another $600 dent in our wallet. Lets just say Janie Valle, Director of Operations, has a lot on her plate (or in her bowl.) "It is important for us to keep this shelter and veterinary clinic running efficiently, not only because of our safety, but also for the pets in our care." 

If you are able to give at this time, please consider a donation to our shelter. We thank you in advance for your generosity.