Jackelyn Gallo, Board Member
Jackelyn Gallo is the Regional Market Executive for JD Bank, a Louisiana-based community bank of over 75 years. She leads the commercial lending division for JD Bank’s expansion into the Northshore and Baton Rouge Markets. Jackelyn earned her undergraduate degree from the University of New Orleans and a Master of Business Administration with a focus in Finance from Southeastern Louisiana University.
Jackelyn and her husband, Mike, share their home with their three beloved girls who are all rescued or adopted ‘Boxers’ (some of which may or may not be mixed breeds). When asked why she joined NHS, Jackelyn responded, “The answer is easy – love. No matter the circumstance of the day, we are welcomed home to their love and greeted with excitement. No matter the level of pain, grief, anxiety, or pressure we may feel, our pets sense our needs and bring us comfort. There is no mistake in understanding why pets are widely used to assist elders, the disabled, the sick, and those suffering with mental pains and PTSD. There is a disposition that family pets possess that is greatly needed in our homes, our communities, and across the globe. If we all shared the loyalty, trust, enthusiasm and love displayed by our beloved and furry family members, the world would be many steps closer to heaven.